Thursday, April 19, 2012

Introduction part II

My name is Molly, and I'm a queer 20-something student at a Canadian university in German studies.

I've struggled with mental illness for most of my post-highschool years, and have been in treatment since 2010. I was diagnosed with Panic disorder and Generalised Anxiety disorder in 2009, participated in a GAD group therapy program in the summer of 2010 that focused mostly on meditation and mindfulness and was supplemented with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, January of 2011 I began one on one counseling with a doctor in Richmond, and in fall of 2011 I switched doctors to focus more on CBT. I have been on Paxil since September of 2011. In March of this year I was diagnosed with Major Depressive disorder and features of Bipolar II.

This is a record and account of my attempts to function and live successfully with my mood disorders.

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